Poptropica Moves Its Web Version to the Coolmath Games Website

Sandbox Group’s Strategic Migration

Sandbox Group shifts Poptropica's web version to Coolmath Games, a strategic move to consolidate the game's web presence in a familiar environment.

Educational Metaverse

Poptropica, born in 2007, represents an early form of the metaverse, enticing children aged 6 to 15 to solve problems in a magical universe made up of islands.

Educational Focus

With a strong educational focus, Poptropica encourages creativity and self-learning, making it a valuable platform for young minds.

Sandbox Group's Portfolio

Sandbox Group, the London-based entity, acquired Poptropica in 2015, expanding its digital family and learning brands, which include Code Kingdoms, Hopster, and Coolmath Games.

Four-Year Partnership

Coolmath Games has been hosting Poptropica for over four years, establishing a strong partnership that paved the way for the recent exclusive migration of the game to its platform.

Preserving Legacy

Natalie Shahmiri, GM of Poptropica, expresses excitement about the move, emphasizing the commitment to preserving the legacy of the game.

Multi-Platform Presence

Despite the migration, Poptropica will maintain its multi-platform presence, assuring accessibility on Steam and mobile platforms.

Centralized Web Presence

The decision to move Poptropica to Coolmath Games is a strategic effort to centralize its web presence, enhancing the game's visibility and accessibility within a familiar gaming environment.

New Chapter for Poptropica

The migration to Coolmath Games marks an exciting new chapter for Poptropica, presenting opportunities for growth within the Coolmath Games ecosystem.

Announcement Anticipation

A migration date for the web version of Poptropica to Coolmath Games will be announced in the coming weeks, building anticipation among the game's dedicated player base.


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