Moving to Lander, Wyoming

About Lander, Wyoming

Lander is a city and the county seat of Fremont County, Wyoming. It is located in central Wyoming, along the Middle Fork of the Popo Agie River, just south of the Wind River Indian Reservation. It is a tourism center with several nearby guest ranches. Its population was 7,546 at the 2020 census.

Gender Lander Wyoming Country
Female 52.9% 49% 50.8%
Male 47.1% 51% 49.2%

Household Income

Income Lander Wyoming Country
Less than $10,000 4.1% 5.2% 5.8%
$10,000 to $14,999 4.5% 3.7% 4.1%
$15,000 to $24,999 6.7% 8.1% 8.5%
$25,000 to $34,999 9% 8.8% 8.6%
$35,000 to $49,999 17.1% 12.3% 12.0%
$50,000 to $74,999 21.9% 18.2% 17.2%
$75,000 to $99,999 14.2% 14.9% 12.8%
$100,000 to $149,999 12.5% 17.5% 15.6%
$150,000 to $199,999 6.3% 6.2% 7.1%
$200,000 or more 3.7% 5% 8.3%

Education Lander Wyoming Country
< 9th Grade 2% 1% 5.0%
9-12th Grade 5% 5% 7.0%
High School or GED 23% 29% 27.0%
Other College 21% 25% 20.0%
Associate's Degree 10% 11% 9%
Bachelor's Degree 23% 18% 20.0%
Master's Degree 11% 8% 9.0%
Professional Degree 4% 2% 2.0%
Doctorate Degree 1% 1% 1.0%
Household Income
Race / Ethnicity

Ethnicity Lander Wyoming Country
White 86.5% 83.6% 60.1%
African American 1.1% 0.8% 12.2%
American Indian 6.4% 2% 0.6%
Asian 0.2% 0.8% 5.6%
Hawaiian 0% 0.1% 0.2%
Other 0% 0.1% 0.3%
Multiracial 2.7% 2.5% 2.8%
Hispanic 3% 10.1% 18.2%
Race / Ethnicity