Aspen, Colorado

Moving to or Living in Aspen Pros and Cons, Cost of Living, Crime Rate, Demographics

Living In Aspen, Colorado
Moving to Aspen In Colorado ? Find out the best and worst about to live, raise a family or retire in Aspen, the Pros and Cons of Living in Aspen.

Explore the life in Aspen based on crime, public schools, cost of living, real estate, housing, properties, job opportunities, and local amenities data and Statistics.

  1. Overview - Life In Aspen
  2. Pros and Cons of Living In Aspen
  3. Crime In Aspen
  4. Cost of Living In Aspen
  5. Gender In Aspen
  6. Household Income For Aspen
  7. Education In Aspen
  8. Race & Ethnicity In Aspen
About Aspen, Colorado
Is Aspen, Colorado a good place to live?
Aspen is a city in Colorado state in USA with a population of 7721 residents.. The poverty rate of Aspen is 4.4%, which is 69% lower than national average. The typical household in Aspen earns $77669 a year, compared to the national median of $67,500. Nearly 31.3% of households earn less than $50,000 a year compared to 39% national rate.

A high school education is a basic prerequisite for most jobs, and in Aspen, only 96% of adults have a high school diploma, compared to the 87.7% of adults nationwide. The unemployment rate of Aspen remained 1.3%, which is 72% lower than national rate. Higher educational attainment can lead to improved job security and reduce the likelihood of financial insecurity. In Aspen, only 65% of adults have a bachelor's degree and 20% have some college but no degree.

Cost of living in Aspen is 141, which is 41% higher than national average. Median home value in Aspen is $558000 , which is 143% higher than national average. While median income in Aspen remained $77669, which is 15% higher than national average. Not only are incomes low in the town, but it also has a high cost of living, meaning a dollar does not go as far as it might elsewhere.
72% NAT AVG.
69% NAT AVG.
Overall Score
Median Home
143% NAT AVG.
Median Income
15% NAT AVG.
Median Rent
44% NAT AVG.
Cost Of Living
41% NAT AVG.
People Living BPL
1 in 23
Unemployed People
1 in 77
People Earning < $10,000
1 in 38
People Earning < $50,000
People with <= High School
1 in 6.7
People With Any Degree
1 in 1.4
Pros & Cons Overview









Is Aspen, Colorado safe place to live?
The overall crime rate in Aspen, Colorado is 22% lower than national average. The violent crime rate of Aspen is 86% lower than national average. While the property crime rate of Aspen is 9% lower than national average. You have 1 in 1930 chance of being victim of violent crime. You have 1 in 58 chance of being victim of property crime.
Crime Cases
Violent : 4
Property : 133
Total Crime
22% NAT. AVG.
1832 (per 100k)
Violent Crime
86% NAT. AVG.
53.5 (per 100k)
Property Crime
9% NAT. AVG.
1778.6 (per 100k)
Chance Of Being A Victim Of Crime In Aspen
Violent crime
1 in 1930
Property crime
1 in 58
1 in 7721
Car Theft
Aspen : Property Crime Ranking
Ranking Total
Burglary Larceny Car
In Colorado 43 41 58 35 59
In USA 1622 1447 2224 1023 1971
Aspen : Violent Crime Ranking
Ranking Violent
Murder Robbery Assault Rape
In Colorado 53 23 48 59 26
In USA 2094 330 1102 2097 708

Violent Crime

Crime Type Count Aspen
Per 100,000 People
Violent Crime 4 53.5 423.06 387.8
Murder 0 0 5.06 6.5
Robbery 0 0 68.25 73.9
Assault 0 0 286.86 279.7
Rape 4 53.5 62.88 27.7
Property Crime

Crime Type Count Aspen
Per 100,000 People
Property Crime 133 1778.6 2833.85 1,958.2
Burglary 1 13.4 400.26 314.2
Larceny 132 1765.2 1909.25 1,398
Car Theft 0 0 524.34 246
Violent Crime Comparison
Property Crime Comparison

Cost of Living
Expense Aspen Colorado National Avg.
Services 111 104 100
Groceries 105 103 100
Health 115 103 100
Housing 226 133 100
Transportation 106 108 100
Utilities 85 87 100
Cost of Living
Gender Aspen Colorado Country
Female 47.9% 49.7% 50.8%
Male 52.1% 50.3% 49.2%

Household Income

Income Aspen Colorado Country
Less than $10,000 2.6% 4.5% 5.8%
$10,000 to $14,999 0.4% 3.1% 4.1%
$15,000 to $24,999 4.3% 6.6% 8.5%
$25,000 to $34,999 8.4% 7.2% 8.6%
$35,000 to $49,999 15.6% 11% 12.0%
$50,000 to $74,999 17.4% 17.4% 17.2%
$75,000 to $99,999 12% 13.6% 12.8%
$100,000 to $149,999 18% 18.2% 15.6%
$150,000 to $199,999 6.5% 8.7% 7.1%
$200,000 or more 14.8% 9.6% 8.3%

Education Aspen Colorado Country
< 9th Grade 3% 3% 5.0%
9-12th Grade 1% 5% 7.0%
High School or GED 11% 21% 27.0%
Other College 16% 21% 20.0%
Associate's Degree 4% 9% 9%
Bachelor's Degree 44% 26% 20.0%
Master's Degree 12% 11% 9.0%
Professional Degree 6% 2% 2.0%
Doctorate Degree 3% 2% 1.0%
Household Income
Race / Ethnicity

Ethnicity Aspen Colorado Country
White 85.5% 67.5% 60.1%
African American 0.9% 3.9% 12.2%
American Indian 0% 0.5% 0.6%
Asian 4.9% 3.1% 5.6%
Hawaiian 0% 0.1% 0.2%
Other 0% 0.2% 0.3%
Multiracial 1% 2.9% 2.8%
Hispanic 7.7% 21.7% 18.2%
Race / Ethnicity