Johnstown is a city in Pennsylvania state in USA with a population of 19381 residents..
The poverty rate of Johnstown is 33.2%, which is 137% higher than national average.
The typical household in Johnstown earns $29171 a year, compared to the national median of $67,500.
Financial hardship is relatively common in the city as 1 in every 3 residents live below the poverty line, well above the national poverty rate of 14.1%. Additionally, more than 1 in every 6 area households live on an income of less than $10,000 a year. Nationwide, 5.8% of households do. Nearly 76.4% of households earn less than $50,000 a year compared to 39% national rate.
The unemployment rate of Johnstown remained 9.5%, which is 102% higher than national rate. Nearly 2 times comparable to 4.7% national rate, according to the Census.
Cost of living in Johnstown is 82, which is 18% lower than national average.
In Johnstown, only 14% of adults have a bachelor's degree and 28% have some college but no degree.
Median home value in Johnstown is $37000 , which is 84% lower than national average.
While median income in Johnstown remained $29171, which is 57% lower than national average.